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Homo habilis

Entering into the genus Homo we are able to start making the evolutionary connections from where bipedalism started and move into our now distinguishing characteristics. Like our smaller skull and teeth but larger brain. Key characteristics to the genus were they had a larger brain size that was over 500cc. This is a slight improvement to Australopithecus africanus who had a brain size of about 450cc. Some other characteristics it is important to note when entering the genus homo is they had a reduction in face and tooth size compared to Australopithecines but larger body structures and longer legs.

Homo habilus: Intro

Homo Habilis


Homo habilis is the beginning of the genus homo. It was on earth about 1.9 to 1.4 million years ago. This time period over lapped with Homo erectus however there has been no direct ancestry link found.

Homo habilus: Intro
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Homo habilis has been described as a more gracile Australopithecus. They seemed to have a more similar body structure to them as well. There were relatively short in stature (about 3.5 feet tall) and their arms were longer in relative terms to their legs.

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Homo habilus: Body
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Tool Use

The Homo species relied more on tool use than its previous genus and Homo habilus was now different. They were part of the Oldawan tool complex along with Homo rudolfensis. At nearly every site of both Homo habilus and Homo rudolfensis the Oldawan tools were found on site. The Oldawan tool complex were stone tools used to process meat and utilize more of the animal such as processing bone marrow.

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Homo habilus: Body
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